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Museum officials win state awards

April 15, 2022

By Mark Cowling / Florence Reminder & Blade-Tribune

Pinal County Historical Society President Cathy Adam, standing, and Executive Director Stephanie Joyner will receive awards this month from Museum of Association of Arizona. They are pictured April 14 with the PCHS museum’s taxidermy mountain lion, donated by Barbara Manning in honor of her late husband, Dennis.


FLORENCE — Pinal County Historical Society President Cathy Adam and Executive Director Stephanie Joyner will receive professional recognition awards this month from Museum Association of Arizona.

Adam will receive the MAA’s Community Support Award, which is given annually to an individual or organization (museum or non-museum) whose activities have eminently enhanced the standing or image of Arizona’s museums or have otherwise contributed to their growth.

Joyner will receive the Individual Award of Excellence, given to a museum professional who has exhibited leadership qualities by achieving excellence in their work in a museum, including in the areas of collection, preservation, research, interpretation and education.

“Your work at the Pinal County Historical Museum in not only surviving, but thriving, throughout the pandemic has been a model for museums throughout the state,” MAA Executive Director Janice Klein told Adam and Joyner in a letter. “Your willingness to share your experience at conferences and advocacy events has been an ongoing benefit to the Arizona museum community.”

The awards will be presented at the MAA’s annual business meeting April 27 at the Tempe History Museum.


April 28, 2022

Museum officials receive awards at Museum Association of Arizona Annual Meeting

Stephanie and Cathy being recognized on behalf of the Pinal County Historical Society at the Museum Association of Arizona Annual Meeting & Awards ceremony at the Tempe History Museum on April 27, 2022.

Cathy noted, "I just want to pass back to you all, the esteem and admiration PCHS is held in by those who are full time, in the museology world. We are not alone in making the transition to the new world museums are in - we are just fighting the good fight a little earlier in the curve and seeing a little more traction than others. It's a credit to us all, and especially for Stephanie!"

A big heartfelt congratulations to receiving such an esteemed award and please stop by the museum to see the work that they are doing!

The Pinal County Historical Museum is located at 715 S Main Street in Florence, AZ.

Check them out online at

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